
Showing posts from June, 2021

How to Center Text Vertically in a Microsoft Word Table without Going Crazy

  Read more about this at our blog Creating tables in Microsoft Word and the text won’t center vertically? Here is how you fix it the easy way. If you use tables in Microsoft Word you will know how frustrating it is to not have your text look great centered vertically in the middle of the cell. Here is how you do it the easy way with pictures. Fast Reference Steps Click the images below as the steps are also on the images for easy reference.   

3 Reasons You Need an Internet and Email Policy

Image We all know that once it gets on the internet – it is very hard to remove. Are you willing to risk your business when it comes to the internet and email? Providing your team with an internet and email policy is something you should do if you want to protect your business. 1. Your business reputation The reputation of your business is important if you want customers to keep returning for more. Putting correct procedures in place is a good idea to protect your business reputation as much as you can. 2. Viruses It’s not hard to get a virus that could cripple your business. Ensuring your team are not visiting inappropriate websites and clicking on suspect emails is the first step in defending your business against viruses. 3. Avoiding liability You don’t need additional problems in your business due to inappropriate internet and email use. Set the rules for your team and be clear about what is acceptable and what is

Create Business Management Systems with MS Word Fast

  Business Management Systems don’t need to be complex. They can be simple and easy to access. However, the most important thing is to ensure the information within them is actually correct.  It’s not rocket science – it’s just business. (Unless you are Elon Musk and then it is rocket science). However, don’t get distracted by the massive amount of noise online. It is easy to assume you need the latest online subscription to make your business work. Nothing could be further from the truth. Need a Business Management System fast and at low cost? Click Here . You need a business system but you don’t need a huge, massive, complex website with an online subscription that includes annual updates and features that line someone else’s pocket. All you need is the correct information collated in a simple and easy manner that your team can access fast – and importantly can be easily updated. A Simple Solution MS Word MS Word is j